More Information - Unit Trusts to Hold Property

InvestorOne are Australia's leading provider of Trusts for ownership of property. We offer many specialised versions including:

Most InvestorOne unit trusts are available with THREE VERSIONS - Trustee Discretion, Absolute Entitlement and % Consent (Up to 100%) dealing with redemption rights as well as ability to issue further units, vest and change the terms of the trust. These terms are critical whenever a SMSF investment is being considered as well as many others instances such as unrelated or distantly related investors.

TIP : NEVER buy more than one property in a trust. Unintended CGT, Land Tax (some states) and stamp duty issues occur. Multiple trusts can share the same Trustee.

TIP : First Home Buyers - Buying an investment property before a first home??? Beware - You may lose first home buyer benefits. InvestorOne can suggest a strategy to safeguard this. Call us for assistance.

NSW Land Tax Unit Trust

In 2007 the NSW OSR appeared to signal an end to the use of a unit trust to own property. Not true. Advisers have been recommending investors buy property in their own names. This loses valuable concessions like refinancing to repay non-deductible debt, allowing a SMSF to buy some or all of the units later, the ability to "change ownership" without stamp duty ($2m limit). The NSW LTUT allows one, two or even three land tax thresholds for unitholders. InvestorOne offer the LTUT with a OSR Ruling. This trusts is a MUST for any mum and dad investor who has a personal land tax threshold to keep that benefit and add the benefits a unit trust offers. There is no better structure available for NSW property investors. Save up to $6,000 pa in land tax.

For more details:
Read the Explanatory Memorandum
Want to covert an existing unit trust in NSW ? Contact us
Order NSW Land Tax Unit Trust

VIC Property Trust

Changes in 2007 made property ownership using a trust more difficult. Advisers have been recommending investors buy property in their own names and not considering the benefits a trust offers. This loses valuable concessions like refinancing to repay non-deductible debt, allowing a SMSF to buy some or all of the units later, the ability to "change ownership" without stamp duty ($1m limit). The VIC Property Trust allows one, two or even three land tax thresholds for unitholders. InvestorOne offer a OSR Ruling that the trust satisfies the requirements of a fixed trust. This trusts is a MUST for any mum and dad investor who has a personal land tax threshold to keep that benefit and add the benefits a unit trust offers. There is no better structure available for VIC property investors.

Read the Explanatory Memorandum
Order VIC Property Unit Trust

WA Property Trust

Changes in 2007 made property ownership using a trust more difficult. Advisers have been recommending investors buy property in their own names and not considering the benefits a trust offers. This loses valuable concessions like refinancing to repay non-deductible debt, allowing a SMSF to buy some or all of the units later, the ability to "change ownership" without stamp duty ($2m limit). The WA Property Trust allows multiple land tax thresholds - ONE per trust. This trusts is a MUST for any mum and dad investor who has a personal land tax threshold to keep that benefit and add the benefits a unit trust offers. There is no better structure available for WA property investors.

Read the Explanatory Memorandum
Order WA Property Unit Trust

QLD Property Trust

A large number of investors want to buy in QLD. Smart investors often want to use a unit trust in QLD too. In QLD each Trust gets a separate land tax threshold which sounds too good to be true. But proceed with caution! The QLD Stamp Duties Act contains some significant issues with using a Trust to own property in QLD. It can result in a stamp duty trap but if you know about this before acting it can be avoided. Advisors to smart investors use InvestorOne to avoid the traps with buying cheap trust deeds from unqualified document sellers. InvestorOne are qualified and experienced practitioners.

By the way InvestorOne don't sell a QLD Property Trust... Order a standard Unit Trust, or the Hybrid Discretionary Trust for Negative Gearing.

Hybrid Discretionary Trust - For Negative Gearing

Hybrid Discretionary Trusts are a popular structure for property investors. The Australian Taxation Office issued TD 2009/17 which addresses concerns with HDT's and their use to enable FIXED rights available to a unitholder (claiming tax deductions) to be deferred or retained so that DISCRETIONARY beneficiaries could receive benefit. Particular concern is raised about :

  • Trustee discretions which are not "arms length"
  • Redemption of units at other than market value
  • Income apportionment to just one class of beneficiary (ie discretionary or unitholder); and
  • Ability for rights in the deed to be varied

The Commissioner has a programme to deny unitholders in a HDT some interest deductions. At present this only affects large refunds. However, the Commissioner has used these taxpayers to test the waters for smaller taxpayers like Mum & Dad investors. InvestorOne has been working with ATO Officers over a period of three years to identify each concern. InvestorOne has developed this HDT for Negative Gearing to incorporate every known concern ever raised by the Australian Taxation Office.

The InvestorOne HDT for Negative Gearing is a comprehensive solution to the HDT concerns raised by many tax advisers. While it suits any investor that seeks to acquire property it is not confined to use with just a negative geared property. It may be used by any property investor. Other InvestorOne trusts which may suit property investors include:

  • Standard unit trust
  • Hybrid unit trust
  • NSW Land Tax unit Trust
  • VIC / WA Property Trusts

Read the Explanatory Memorandum
Order Hybrid Discretionary Trust - For Negative Gearing

Property Developer Trusts

Property Development is complicated. Choose the wrong structure and you just throw away the profits. Each structure is different but common features can include:

  • Separate land holder Trust and a "Construction" entity - Separation means if the construction profits fail the land isnt taken with it
  • Future portability for the next development
  • GST / Margin-scheme and pricing issues
  • Land titles including Partitioning and stamp duty savings

For more details Contact us as a personally tailored solution should be considered on a case by case basis.